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Tateshall Lodge No. 7645 was founded in 1959 by Pontefract Freemasons with the aim of growing the membership and providing a suitable meeting day for working masons who preferred Fridays. If that is a day that suits you best then join us & be part of a thriving community dedicated to the principles of Freemasonry.

Our Lodge meets at Pontefract Masonic Hall on the 3rd Friday of September, October, November,December, February, March April, and May, with meetings commencing at 7:00 pm and concluding around 10:00 pm. Rehearsals are held on the Thursday before each regular meeting. Our Lodge boasts a membership of around 40 individuals, with ages spanning from the 20s to the 80s. This family-oriented group includes many fathers, sons, cousins, and other relatives, which enhances the friendly and welcoming atmosphere of our Lodge.

Additionally, we have members who are friends of existing members or have been drawn to join us by the inviting nature of our community, and they are warmly welcomed as well.

Our meetings are well attended and frequently attract visitors from other Lodges, drawn by our friendly atmosphere. We welcome potential re-joining members and especially new members, ensuring they feel at home through our active mentoring scheme. Our regular Lodge meetings are dignified yet warm and friendly.

All members are encouraged to participate in our ceremonies, receiving the necessary instruction and information. They can also practice at the Tateshall Junior Lodge of Instruction, held on the first Thursday of the same month as Regular Lodge, meeting at 7:30 pm. The meetings are informal and are designed to enable new members to start very simply get to know what we do, and over time build their confidence from experience.

Over time, all members come to appreciate the challenges of Freemasonry and are eager to contribute. While regular attendance is encouraged, we understand that life and circumstances sometimes take precedence, and there is no detriment for occasional absences. After each regular Lodge meeting, we enjoy a meal known as the “Festive Board,” which, while formal, is filled with lively conversation, toasts, and speeches. Following the meal, we retire to the Bar to continue our evening.

Once a year, reflecting the family-friendly nature of our Lodge, we invite our wives and partners to join us for evening. We also host an annual family Christmas Lunch, complete with presents for the children from Santa, and a Black-Tie Gala Night Banquet in March. 

Members of Tateshall Lodge enjoy a happy, friendly, and convivial atmosphere, both during regular Lodge meetings and the subsequent festive board. New members and their families are always welcome, and they will find our social events to be warm and inviting. We believe that membership is a valuable and enjoyable part of our social life and leisure time. 

We take pride in our charitable contributions, donating annually to the local community, the West Riding Masonic Charities Fund, and Connaught Court, a Residential & Nursing Home in York.
Our ideal new member
  • Likely to be a good man and true, he can be working or retired, our members come from all walks of life. The minimum age to join is 18.
  • He is likely to be a sociable individual, willing and able to attend our regular meetings, will be able to afford the costs of membership and be happy to support our charity work. His membership should have the full support of his family. 
  • He will be happy to gradually develop his masonic knowledge and will want to contribute to the life and spirit of the Lodge. We also hope that he and his family will come to and enjoy the Lodge’s social events.
If you are interested in joining our Lodge, please contact either of the contact any of the following who will be pleased to hear from you.

© 2023 by Tom Dragisic, created with

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